About Journal
University of Khartoum Electronic Journals System is a platform that showcases the peer reviewed, scientific journals published by the University of Khartoum
University of Khartoum Journal of Agricultural Sciences
University of Khartoum Journal of Agricultural Sciences (U. of K. J. Agric. Sci.) is a peer-reviewed periodical, issued every six months. Established on 1993 -
Khartoum Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
KJPS publishes scientifically sound original research articles, review articles, short communications and case studies that may answer questions related to pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences disciplines at the national, regional or global level -
Sudan Journal of Desertification Research
Sudan Journal of Desertification Research is a peer – reviewed scientific journal to be issued biannually. Almost all research concerned with desertification, i.e.land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub- humid lands is relevant for publication in this Journal. -
University of Khartoum Engineering Journal
The University of Khartoum Engineering Journal (UofKEJ) is an open access journal published in English and/or Arabic by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Khartoum. -
Conference Proceedings Civil Engineering 2018
The Second Conference on Civil Engineering -Sudan (CCE 2018 - Sudan), will be held at theUniversity of Khartoum (UofK), Khartoum, during December 3 - 5, 2018 in a collaborating hosting between the Civil Engineering Department - Faculty of Engineering, the Institute of Building and Road Research... -
English Language Institute Journal
The English Language Institute Journal is published quarterly by theEnglish Language Institute,University of Khartoum. The mission of the journal is to help promote research of the English language in Sudan. The ELI Journal is an open access, peer reviewed, journal that publishes articles, case... -
Sudan Journal of Science
Sudan Journal of Science,SJS, publishes original work in the fields of Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, and Physics. -
Journal of Faculty of Education
Peer reviewed, Scientific journal Published by Faculty of Education, University of Khartoum -
Journal of Islamic Studies
مجلة علمية سنوية محكمة يصدرها قسم الدراسات الاسلامية - كلية الاداب - جامعة الخرطوم -
مجلة الكتاب للدراسات الأدبية و اللغوية
مجلة علمية محكمة نصف سنوية تصدر عن معهد البروفيسور عبدالله الطيب للغة العربية- جامعة الخرطوم -
Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production
The journal welcomes concise papers reporting original research work in all disciplines of veterinary medicine, animal production, natural resources, environmental sciences and related new scientific technologies -
Khartoum Medical Journal
The official journal of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Published every four months -
مجلة دراسات الإدارة العامة والحكم الفدرالي
مجلة تصدر نصف سنوية -دورية علمية محكمة - تصدر عن معهد دراسات الإدارة العامة و الحكم الفيدرالي - جامعة الخرطوم -
Journal of Faculty of Arts, University of Khartoum
مجلة علمية سنوية محكمة تصدر عن كلية الآداب جامعة الخرطوم -
Khartoum University Journal of Management Studies
Khartoum University Journal of Management Studies (KUJMS) is an anonymously refereed biannual publication, published by the School of Management Studies -
Journal of Sudanese Studies
Annual journal published by the Institute of Asian and African Studies, University of Khartoum -
Sudan Journal of Economic and Social Studies
published by khartoum University press under the auspices of the Faculty of Economic and Social Studies -
Journal of Building and Road Research
Published by the Institute of Building and Roads Research. -
Sudan Geographical Journal
Published by the Faculty of Geographical and Environmental Sciences, University of Khartoum. -
Journal of Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences
It is a periodical issue, publishing research articles, abstracts, dissertations and graduation thesis of Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences, University of Khartoum, Sudan -
DSRI Newsletter
Quarterly Newsletter Published By The Development Studies & Research Institute (DSRI), University of Khartoum. -
Periodical of Scientific Research in Humanities & Social Sciences (PSRHSS)
Published by the Scientific Research Coordinating Body of the Institute of African And Asian Studies, University of Khartoum -
Sudan Dental Journal
An official publication of Faculty of Dentistry, University of Khartoum. Sudan Dental Journal is an open access online journal, Established in January 2010. The journal considers articles in all areas of dentistry and oral cavity. It publishes research article, review/mini review, case reports... -